

I’ve been trying to find like-minded blogs to add to my blog list, and having a huge amount of trouble doing so.  I’d love to find some Sex & Marriage blogs, but can’t seem to do so.  Scouring Google hasn’t led me anywhere productive.  Most are either opinion columns about same sex marriage or where different religions stand on sexual issues.  Although I am religious (“WHAT?!”  Yes.  Stay focused), it’s not what I’m looking for.  Just looking for sex blogs or sex toy blogs lead me to all sorts of crazy places.  Though I have found a lot of blogs with really great sex and toy information, I haven’t been able to find ones that are like what I’m trying to do here at Rolling in the Hay.  They’re out there somewhere.  They have to be.

And why shouldn’t they be?  I mean sometimes I find cutesy blogs or articles that just skim the surface about sex and marriage.  But sex, marriage, and sex toys?  I’ve only found one that fit the bill without being, oh, let’s say interest specific, like people that actually live the slave/master fantasy in all areas of their lives.  Not…quite…what I had in mind.

Anyway, in my looking, I came across a very brief article called 5 Reasons to Hate Sex Less.  Whoa, boy.  Flag on the play.  Even though there was some good, although shallow, information there, I had so much trouble getting over the title.  Am I, as a woman, a married, healthy, adult, consenting woman with *gasp* children supposed to hate sex?  Who on earth made that rule?  Are we still stuck in the days of lie back and think of England?  I mean, someone close to me did tell me once that Husband and I have sex too often.  The statement confused me.  Her definition of normal frequency was somewhere between twice a week and twice a month.  Maybe that’s normal for her, but not for us.  To this day, I don’t understand why she thought my number was odd.  I won’t tell you what the number is, but it is more than twice a week.  Another woman I knew thought the only sex position was missionary.  Wow.

I’d call for more sex ed, but I don’t know that it would help.  I mean, even in sitcoms, you always see the husband begging the wife and the wife shutting him down.  Does that seem right to you?  It doesn’t to me.  If he’s in the mood, and I’m not, I try to get there.  He does the same for me.  Generally, we both end up having a great time, even if it takes a little to get going.

Am I odd for being a married woman who enjoys my husband?  I don’t think I am.  I think it’s more likely that there are women out there that are somehow afraid to enjoy sex or afraid to admit they do.  The idea of sex toys must be downright terrifying to them.